千島アイヌ考古学プロジェクト 目的 KAAP Objectives

カムチャツカ半島東南部バリシャヤサランナヤ1遺跡(2014年,矢印) The Bal'shaja Sarannaja 1 site, Northeastern Kamchatka (2014)


The Kuril Ainu, speaker of Kuril dialect of Ainu language, is an indigenous people of the Northern Kuril Islands. Their customs and activities were recorded in Japanese historical documents from the latter half of the 18th century, and ethnographic documents were also recorded in the 19th century.”The Kurile” as documented in Russian literatures from the end of the 17th century to the former half of the 18th century is estimated to be an ancestral group of the Kuril Ainu, indicating they lived in the Northern Kurils and southern tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula more than for 200 years. However, the population of the Kuril Ainu  decreased sharply after the forced migration to Shikotan Island in the Southern Kurils in 1884, currently there is no flame keeper of their culture.


Although the origin of the Kuril Ainu has not yet been clarified, recent archaeological study have revealed that they appeared in the Northern Kurils between the latter half of the 15th century and the former half of the 17th century. Furthermore, they occupied not only in the Northern Kurils, but also in a wide area of the Southern Kamchatka in this period; they retreated from Kamchatka in the beginning of the 18th century.


This research project aims to test two hypotheses: “Sakhalin origin hypothesis” and “economic change hypothesis.” Through examination of these predictions suggested by material culture studies, archaeology, and linguistic geography, we aim to reveal undocumented early life of the Kuril Ainu.