あゆみ History
The Laboratory of Archaeology Hokkaido University (LOAHU) originated from the Archaeology Section in the Institute of Northern Cultures established as a research institute of the Faculty of Letters in 1966. This institution greatly contributed to the advancement of study on the Okhotsk, Satsumon, and Jomon cultures in Northern Japan. However, it did not involved in the under-grad education in the university, although grad student could conduct research in the institute. In 1995, this institute was reorganized into the Laboratory of Northern Cultures, and Hokkaido University could finally play a role to educate both under-grad and grad students. We have cultivated human resources for universities, education boards, and museums for over 25 years.
The Laboratory of Northern Cultures was consisted of research sections of academic fields: archaeology, ethnolinguistics, and cultural anthropology and museology. It was reorganized again in 2019, and the laboratory of archaeology was established in the Department of History, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University.
めぐまれた環境 Wonderful environment for research
Hokkaido University campus is located on archaeological sites: the original topographical features are well preserved and prehistoric pit houses can be also seen in the campus. Year-round research in the university enable us to relive the environment of Epi-Jomon and Satsumon people who live in this area.
【北大キャンパス公式動画】(キャンパスの四季はYouTube動画を御覧ください) [Hokkaido University official promotion video] (YouTube)
北大春景色 Hokkaido University campus in spring
北大夏景色 Hokkaido University campus in summer
北大秋景色 Hokkaido University campus in autamn
北大冬景色 Hokkaido University campus in winter

In the immediate vicinity of Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, University Museum and University Center for Rescue Archaeology are situated, and each organization has exhibition room for archaeology. It is possible for students to study archaeological collections stored in these institutions.

研究の特色 Characteristics of research
Main study area of faculty members and students in LOAHU is cold regions: Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan, Russia and North America. However, we have also studied archaeology in Central and Western Japan, the tropical forests, and Southern Hemisphere.
Fulfilling faculty members cover a wide range of time period. Because we are interested in a period from the Paleolithic and the Neolithic (the Jomon) to premodern and modern history of the Ainu, archaeological study in LOAHU focuses on various periods in the human history.
Additional characteristics of this laboratory is the existence of specialists for zooarchaeology, paleoethnobotany, dating, and isotope analysis. There is no such laboratories of archaeology in Japan, and this advantage enable us to educate students with various interest.

Accelerator mass spectrometer (shared use at the University of Tokyo)

We have conducted research using novel technologies such as GIS, 3D scanner/printer, and drones. Students are also trained to use them so that they can learn effective skills applicable soon after the graduation. Even when we study common artifacts such as ceramics and stone tools, close observations using microscopy as well as naked-eye is also characteristics in this laboratory.

Research of faculty members in LOAHU are well known in the international academic communities, and we have conducted a lot of collaborative research projects with colleagues from the US, Canada, Russia, UK, Germany, Peru, China, South Korea, and Thailand. Also, we have accepted foreign scientists from North America, Europe, and Russia as visiting researchers, and conducted collaborative studies in Hokkaido. Because all laboratory members can meet once a month at the colloquium, students actively communicate with visiting researchers.
教育の特色 Characteristics of education
The goal of our education for under-grad students is that they can learn all of the basic skills for museum curators and archaeologists in local government. Through introduction classes, students can learn theory and history of archaeology. Seminar classes provides students opportunities to study methodology, specific themes in archaeology, material organizing and making excavation reports, technical drawings and 3D scanning of artifacts. Field school is conducted every summer in Hokkaido in order to teach archaeological excavation
Based on acquired skills, grad-students can proceed further researches.
Under-grad and grad students can obtain a qualification of the first-class and second-class archaeological researchers.

We have advanced globalization in not only research but education. As part of internationalization of education, we have conducted joint classes with students from University of Toronto Mississauga in Hokkaido (faculty members and students from universities in the US, Europe, and Asian countries sometimes join the classes). Conversely, students from Hokkaido University have visited University of Toronto for another collaborative classes.